
The Bachelor's degree program in Industrial Logistics includes a relevant internship of 80 working days. According to §16 of the curriculum, 30 ECTS credits are awarded for this work placement, which is to be completed in the 7th semester. The internship must be completed in such a way that collisions with the courses are avoided.

In general, internships are credited at the end of the Bachelor's degree program. If you require credit in advance, please contact mario.hoffelner(at)

Type of internship

The following companies and institutions are particularly suitable for completing the internship:

  •     Industrial companies
  •     Trading companies
  •     Logistics service provider
    •     Technical logistics (e.g. warehouse planning, warehouse equipment)
    •     Service providers e.g. in the field of transportation, handling, warehouse
    •     IT service provider with a relevant focus

The student is required to organize his or her internship in such a way that there is a good balance between practical work experience and planning and organizational activities. The activities should be closely related to logistics, regardless of the chosen company.

Crediting process of internships

To have your internship approved, you must complete the following steps:

1.    Under DOWNLOAD: Internship form for the company you will find a PDF under the tab Required forms, which you or the company in which you completed your internship must fill out.

2.    Under DOWNLOAD: Internship forms for the students card you will find a ZIP file containing an Excel table summarizing the key data of your internship. ATTENTION, you should update and expand this form in the course of your studies. When completing the internship form, please only fill in the fields with a gray background. All other fields will be filled in by our staff. 

3.    Under UPLOAD: Credit for internships you can upload the completed internship forms, the one for the company (.pdf) as well as the one filled out by yourself (.xlsx). Once you have done this, please send an e-mail to mario.hoffelner(at) After uploading or sending the e-mail, you will receive your updated internship form back in the following days and the approved part of your internship will be credited, as long as it has met all requirements.


  • I have already completed and submitted part of my internship. How should or must I enter these parts in the internship form?

Yes, please fill out the practice card as in the sample PDF, which is provided within the ZIP folder at DOWNLOAD: Internship forms for the students 


  • I have already submitted the required forms, but have not yet received any feedback.

If you have not yet received a response to your submission, please note that you will not be credited until you have sent an e-mail to Mr. Hoffelner (mario.hoffelner(at)

Contact for internships

The staff at the Chair of Industrial Logistics will be happy to answer any questions you may have about internships and their crediting process.