The IL student representation team

Who we are?

Lino, Leon und Leonie

What do we do?

Above all, we represent all students of Industrial Logistics, regardless of whether they are studying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree. We act as a link between us students and the professors and chairs. The improvement of our studies and the networking of us Industrial Logistics students is particularly important to us. You are welcome to contact us with any problems, questions, concerns or the implementation of new ideas and wishes regarding the Industrial Logistics degree program.

What we offer?

In order to promote the mutual exchange of all Industrial Logistics students with each other and with the professors, we regularly organize events, which on the one hand serve to communicate news regarding the chairs or the studies, but on the other hand should also be social events. Furthermore, we would also like to organize other activities such as non-university courses or merchandise.

How to contact us?

Simply send us an e-mail to the following address:
